Insights & Innovation Blog
Tag: Digital Transformation
Hand checking digital lists above laptop, illustrating task management

Switching Cost Barriers and How to Overcome Them

One of the biggest blockers for new products are switching costs, which represent the burden incurred by customers when switching providers. We can group switching costs into three buckets: Financial, Procedural & Operational, and Relational.

Ken Mocabee
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Ken Mocabee
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Date Published
June 16th, 2024

Read More about Switching Cost Barriers and How to Overcome Them

Female leader at whiteboard drawing plans

Beyond Visionaries: Redefining Product Accountability in the Digital Era

In the dynamic landscape of digital product development, the question of accountability is paramount. Who holds the reins of your product's strategy and vision? In our journey at Parux, we've witnessed firsthand how the absence of clear ownership can lead to a cascade of challenges, from lack of direction to missed opportunities. Join us as we delve into the core of this critical question and uncover insights that could shape the destiny of your digital product.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
June 10th, 2024

Read More about Beyond Visionaries: Redefining Product Accountability in the Digital Era

Diverse team collaborating on a project, reviewing and discussing a large document with colorful sticky notes on a table.

Navigating Digital Product Vision: The Strategic Power of Actionable Roadmaps

In the fast-paced arena of digital innovation, small to medium-sized businesses, startups, and forward-thinking executives are constantly seeking strategies to propel their digital product builds toward success. Amidst this pursuit, one indispensable tool emerges as a beacon of guidance… the actionable roadmap

Cesar Keller
Written By
Cesar Keller
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Date Published
March 31st, 2024

Read More about Navigating Digital Product Vision: The Strategic Power of Actionable Roadmaps

Designers collaborating on mobile app wireframes and prototyping using sticky notes.

The Blueprint for Better Products: The Critical Role of Prototyping in Digital Product Design

In the world of digital product design, you won’t stray too far without hearing a popular buzz word, “User Experience.” This blog will share professional insights while having a practical conversation around UX. So… whether you are a business person, programmer, designer or analyst – you will learn a few things that can help you in your next digital transformation initiative or digital product build.

Cesar Keller
Written By
Cesar Keller
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Date Published
March 19th, 2024

Read More about The Blueprint for Better Products: The Critical Role of Prototyping in Digital Product Design

Person working on a laptop with a "Product Launch" screen, taking notes in a notebook.

Countdown to Launch: Behind-the-Scenes of our Next Big Launch 🌊🚀

Step into our digital workshop, where pixels dance with purpose and lines of code weave together to create digital symphonies. As we stand on the cusp of launching our latest custom application for a valued client, the air is charged with anticipation and creativity.

Cesar Keller
Written By
Cesar Keller
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Date Published
February 13th, 2024

Read More about Countdown to Launch: Behind-the-Scenes of our Next Big Launch 🌊🚀

Man reviewing at computer in open office space with industrial decor

Education on Quality

As a Digital Product Company – we ask ourselves… “What does Product Quality really mean?” And to have a balanced answer, we can use some of the research and publications from MIT that shared 5 different approaches to defining quality.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
November 16th, 2021

Read More about Education on Quality

Happy App User on Phone

A Practical Conversation Around UX (User Experience)

Going from idea to pulling the trigger and launching your company consists of a series of Go / No-Go decisions. At every stage, you must give yourself a chance to say no, because if you don’t, then it’s an indication that you have fallen in love with your solution instead of falling in love with the problem.

Cesar Keller
Written By
Cesar Keller
Topics In Article
Date Published
September 26th, 2021

Read More about A Practical Conversation Around UX (User Experience)

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Overhead view of a business meeting with four people around a wooden table, using laptops and tablets, and taking notes.